Photos from Peru

How a child is carried by a woman shepherding alpacas

Woman responsible for security at old mud brick church

Mother and daughter at 5000m near Macusani

Flamingos in Puno Region at 4000m

Our Australian guide talking to an Indian child in remote area

Canyon with rock formation resembling an alpaca head

Dianne visiting the Accoyo Farm

This family lives on hill top above 5000m with their alpacas in the background perched on a cliff.

Alpacas perched on a cliff being brought down to us for inspection

Terraced farming at the edge of the Amazon Jungle

Don Julio Barreda with Dianne at the Accoyo Plantel near Macasani

We were told that people had been sacrificed for blood to make the mud bricks of this monastery

A child living at one of the co-ops